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Is being an Electrician a good career in Australia? What type of electrician gets paid the most?

Is being an Electrician a good career in Australia? What type of electrician gets paid the most? Click the link for all you need to know…

If you are looking for a career that will give you a steady and secure job for the foreseeable future, an interesting and fulfilling work day and an above-average wage, becoming an electrician may well be the answer. With so many new and varied jobs out there to choose from, deciding what you want to do can be tricky. Taking an in-depth look at the job of an electrician could help with that.

If you are wondering whether being an electrician in Australia might be the right choice for you, read on to discover more about this essential and valued profession…

Is being an Electrician a good career in Australia?

There is a reason why more than 165,000 people work as electricians in Australia today. Or rather; many reasons. Along with professions like being a plumber, you can earn above the national average wage, embark on a career with room to move up, and carry out vital and interesting work each day.

Here we will talk about some of the biggest pros and cons of being an electrician to help you decide if it is a good career, and if it is the career for you…

Varied job opportunities

One of the biggest pros of being an electrician is the vast array of jobs that you can choose from. There are general and specific jobs working for everyone from individuals to companies to governments, and all are essential in today’s world.

You can work on a residential level, installing and repairing appliances, systems and generators. You can install electrical equipment like that sold by SQD Group. You can work to restore vital power for people in buildings or areas, or maintain and repair larger-scale systems including the mains power grid.

You can also specialize in areas as an electrician including:

  • Industrial
  • Automotive
  • Solar panel
  • Electrical designer
  • Electrical assembler and so much more.

Self-employment and flexibility

There is a high degree of flexibility in many aspects of working as an electrician. You can often choose the hours you work, whether you are on call, work days or nights, particularly if you are self-employed.

Electricians are needed everywhere, and if you work hard and manage your pay rates and time well you could soon be working the hours you want and still be earning what you want as well. Many electricians work as independent contractors or as the boss or part of a small company in Australia.


You can go straight in from school

To become an electrician, you don’t have to go to college or university, though you may still choose to do so. You can enter in a number of ways, including by having a degree in a relevant subject, but you will still undergo training before you can venture out on your own.

Many electricians choose to apprentice straight from school and gain their own qualifications and expertise under the guidance of a mentor or trainer. You can save money on further education and start earning money right away while you learn all that you need to. A win-win.

There is a bright future

Studies show that the job of an electrician isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Even with the advancement in more green energies, electricians will be just as vital if not more. There will be more jobs installing and integrating these alternative power sources.

This could lead to new possibilities for career advancements and higher-paying jobs across the industry. Electricians carry out necessary and important work on every level, so getting into this career now is a sound investment in your future.

The downsides

Now that you have seen some of the major upsides, it is time to consider the downsides to being an electrician. One of the major negatives is the safety concerns that come with this job. Electricians get injured on the job more than any other similar profession. Electricity is dangerous and requires high levels of awareness and adherence to safety regulations to try and prevent injury.

You also may have to work in conditions that are less than ideal. Many electricians will find themselves working in rain or shine, wind or snow. You may have to climb ladders or work up high, or crawl into small, dark spaces. You could work inside or outside, in factories or homes. All of these come with risks, a potential lack of comfort, and certain protective gear that you have to wear.

You could also struggle with the hours. There is a large degree of flexibility that many electricians enjoy, and many love the overtime that can generate more income. If, however, you are determined to only work a few hours you may have to start your own company or work independently to achieve this.


What type of electrician gets paid the most in Australia?

One of the best parts of being an electrician is how much your pay is likely to go up as the years go by. An electrician that is just starting out can still expect almost AU$50,000 a year, an impressive starting salary by anyone’s reckoning. This will only increase as you have more years and more experience on the job.

Electricians with up to 10 years of experience can expect upwards of AU$75,000 a year, and that number goes up to AU$90,000+ after 20 years. In this way, you can expect to steadily increase your salary as time goes by.

Another way to judge wages is by looking at the type of work you do, and the type of electrician you become. The highest-paying types of electricians are:

  • Mining electrician
  • Fire electrician
  • Maintenance electrician
  • Industrial electrician
  • Lift electrician and so on.

In general, you are likely to get paid more in the industrial sector rather than the domestic or commercial ones.

Final thoughts

As you can no doubt see, being an electrician is certainly a great career in Australia if you have the skills and desire to head down this path. There are some risks and downsides to be sure, but the benefits far outweigh these for the majority of people. If you are one of these people, why not join the thousands making impressive money and having a real impact on people’s lives by becoming an electrician today?

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