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What is pest management? Why is it important? What are the methods?

What Is Pest Management? Why Is It Important? What Are The Methods? Click To Learn All You Need About Keeping Your Home Safe From Pests.

What is pest management

Australia is a naturally marvellous country filled with stunning scenery and gorgeous weather to boot, but paradise comes at a price. Unfortunately, we have to share this golden paradise with a multitude of nasty, itchy (and in some cases) deadly pests! But, just because we have to co-exist with these creatures in the larger sense, it doesn’t mean that you have to share your personal space with them! 

If you have been relatively lucky so far and haven’t had to contend with any nasty infestations in your home, then you’ll likely be dreading the day that your luck runs out. The good news is that luck is only a very small part of it. In fact, keeping pests out of your home entirely is largely down to what is called: pest management. 

But, what is pest management? Why is it so important? And what are the various methods that you can adopt in your own home? In this article, we’ll share everything you need in order to keep your small slice of paradise very much a pest-free zone. 

What is pest management?

Pest management is the method of reducing/eliminating the various types of unwanted critters from your home. We’re talking about all things creepy and crawly, from spiders, ants, wasps and cockroaches, to termites, bedbugs, mice and rats. 

In the larger sense, pest management includes dealing with a pest infestation when you have one / being pre-emptive should you notice a few more bugs around your home than usual. However, in this article, we’re going to focus more on the prevention side of things. Managing your home in order to keep the pests out in the first place! 

Additionally, pest management can refer to being proactive in keeping an eye out for infestations that could easily go undetected. For example, termites are the silent killers of properties. Good pest management means regularly inspecting your property – particularly the cellar and attic – in order to spot any potential problems that could get out of hand. 

Why is pest management important?

Pest management is important for a wide variety of different reasons. For one thing: if you end up with an infestation, no matter how minor it may appear, you must have it removed as quickly and efficiently as possible. Failing to do so could result in the infestation growing larger, out of control, and even possibly resulting in your needing to vacate your premises for an extended period of time. 

Pest problems left ‘unmanaged’ can result in a plethora of serious issues. Not only can they wreak havoc on your sense of calm, but they can pose a serious health hazard to you and your family (some pests are known carriers of nasty diseases). 

Additionally, some pests can damage the structural integrity of your home! Those pesky termites can otherwise munch away unnoticed for many years which is why pest management is critical. The last thing you want is to head up into the attic one day to grab some old boxes only to find that termites have chewed through the structural roof beams and are about to collapse! 

What are the methods of pest management?

pest management

Again, the best form of pest management is pest prevention. If you want to ensure that your property remains free and clear of unwanted intruders, there are a few things that you’re going to have to do – and keep on top of. Here are some excellent tips for keeping those nasties away: 

  • Batten down the hatches: walk around your property with a fine-toothed comb and look for any cracks and gaps that can be filled. If there’s an entrance to be found, critters will find and abuse it. Inspect window ledges and door frames, look at your fascia and guttering, and be vigilant when detecting any gaps. These can easily be sealed up – thus making it exceptionally difficult for pests to make their way into your home. As for vents and such, you can install a wire mesh to make it even harder! 
  • De-clutter your property: what is arguably the most critical step of all is to de-clutter your property. Go through your home and give it a good spring cleaning! Do you really need all of that stuff? Are these boxes necessary? What’s collecting dust and never used? Not only is this a great opportunity for you to make some money by selling old stuff, but it’s also an essential step in removing any potential real estate for pests. Rodents love foraging for nesting materials; don’t give them the excuse—just as spiders love hiding behind clutter in dark, safe spaces; make sure they have very few places to lurk! 
  • Keep your kitchen clean: after you’ve cooked some food in the kitchen, make sure that you thoroughly clean up after yourself. Any leftover food must be disposed of appropriately or stored in sealed containers. Failing to do so is offering those unwanted pests a practical smorgasbord of free food! 
  • Fix all leaks and keep the property dry: mosquitos, roaches, and rodents love a stagnant water source and if you have a leaking toilet or a dripping pipe under the sink, such pests won’t be far behind! Have a plumber fix everything and keep your property free of pooling water. 
  • Tidy outside: keep your garden tidy and make sure that you don’t have any wood piled up too close to your home. Long grass and other debris and clutter will attract nearby rodents and critters. Once they’re in such close proximity to your home, it’s only a matter of time before they bridge the gap and find a way in! 

Final thoughts 

Understandably, keeping your home spotless isn’t always achievable – particularly when you have pets, children, and a full-time job to contend with. In any case, do your best to keep on top of the tips mentioned above and hire a cleaner if you need additional support – it’s a highly effective preventative measure. If you need additional advice on pest management – or if you find yourself in the midst of a pest invasion and need some support – do not hesitate to contact your local Expert Pest Control in Marsden Park.

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